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The NC State LIVE team is thinking of you

Dear NC State LIVE friends,

First and most importantly – Stephanie, Liza and I sincerely hope you are all weathering these challenging times in good health and spirits. We are thinking of you and sending loving thoughts your way!

It was certainly with a heavy heart that we canceled our performances as part of the united global effort to protect our communities. We know how powerful the arts are in bringing people together, and we were sad to lose those opportunities that were yet to come this year with you and some remarkable artists. It is our hope that we can reschedule some of them for a date in the future.

As noted in previous communications, all tickets purchased online for our cancelled shows will be be refunded automatically; there is no need to contact Ticket Central for your refund. For those of you who purchased tickets directly from Ticket Central, we will be in touch as soon as possible. The staff is working through the complexity of processing a large number of refunds, and doing it when working remotely.

The latest updates from NC State LIVE are posted at

Meanwhile, as our NC State University and greater North Carolina communities pull together to support each other in these coming days, we’d like to share with you a few (of many) ways that you can help our students and our North Carolina artists.

  • The NC State University Student Emergency Fund was established by the Division of Academic and Student Affairs to help ensure that NC State students have access to the support and resources they need to successfully recover from unexpected financial crises.
  • The NC Artist Relief Fund was created to support creative individuals who are being financially impacted by the outbreak of COVID-19. 100% of donated funds will go directly to North Carolina artists in need.

As many of you are likely doing, we are all working at home and are fortunate to be able to do the majority of our work with a laptop and the help of Google Hangouts and Zoom. What is missing is our artists and you.

We are a community connected by culture, so please check our social media channels @ncstatelive to hear about the many creative ways our artists are bringing people together in these socially distant days. We are also working with the kathak and tap artists of SPEAK to reschedule their performance and full community residency for the 20/21 season, and we hope to bring the Wolfpack community a few digital ways to connect with them this spring. Stay tuned!

Be safe and well,

Sharon, Liza and Stephanie
